Maggotron - megamix by IchiBaN
Debonaire - Album Mix by IchiBaN
Blame - Music takes you (macrophage619 remix)
Track Listing
01 - hyper on experience - another rave
02 - hyper on experience - watch us now
03 - hyper on experience - h.e anthem
04 - hyper on experience - the frightener
05 - mix race - too bad for ya
06 - mix race - the future is before your eyes
07 - mix race - the future is before your eyes (scratch mix)
08 - destruction production - best mind fuck yet
09 - destruction production - what a rush
10 - kaotic chemistry - space cakes
11 - kaotic chemistry - l.s.d
12 - kaotic chemitrry - illegal subs
13 - chaotic chemistry - drum trip II
14 - tone def - projection
15 - chaotic chemistry - space cakes (2 bad mice remix)
16 - tone def - after touch
17 - kaotic chemistry - vitamin k
18 - tone def - power metric
19 - chaotic chemistry - illegal subs (krome & time remix)
20 - tone def - psychic t.d
21 - hyper on experience - assension
22 - hyper on experience - a certain emotion
23 - hyper on experience - imajika
24 - hyper on experience - threshold of sanity
25 - dj trax - 1 man 1 dj
26 - dj trax - takin over
27 - dj trax - infinite hype
28 - dj tax - we rock the most
Moving Shadow - 011 to 016r mix by IchiBaN
01 - kaotic chemistry - strip search
02 - kaotic chemistry - the come down
03 - mashed - dementia
04 - mashed - dementiacid
05 - blame - music takes you - original mix
06 - blame - music takes you - kaotic chemistry remix
07 - blame - music takes you - 2 bad mice remix
08 - blame - piano takes you
09 - blame - music takes you - war remix
10 - blame - music takes two
11 - blame - ecstasy takes you
12 - blame - music takes you - peace mix
13 - cosmo & dibbs - bodywork
14 - cosmo & dibbs - sonic rush
15 - 2 bad mice - hold it down
16 - 2 bad mice - ware mouse
17 - 2 bad mice - bombscare
18 - 2 bad mice - 2 bad mice remix
19 - 2 bad mice - hold it down remix
20 - 2 bad mice - waremouse remix
21 - 2 bad mice - hold it down remix (should be bombscare remix)
22 - 2 bad mice - drumscare remix
23 - tone def - applecore remix
24 - tone def - cairo remix
25 - tone def - big love remix
26 - tone def - big love (hard mix)
27 - tone def - big love (love mix)
28 - tone def - big love (tde remix)
29 - tone def - apple core
30 - tone def - cairo
Moving Shadow - 001 to 010 mix by IchiBaN
01 - earth leakage trip - no idea
02 - earth leakage trip - psychotronic
03 - earth leakage trip - over 92
04 - dvus - the last a
05 - dvus - the last e
06 - 2 bad mice - 2 bad mice
07 - 2 bad mice - no respect\
08 - cosmo & dibbs - oh so nice
09 - cosmo & dibbs - help me
10 - chaotic chemistry - 5 in one night
11 - kaotic chemistry - drumtrip
12 -sci - the blind man
13 - sci - uprising
14 - dvus - t10
15 - dvus - thrillseekers
16 - cosmo & dibbs - star eyes
17 - cosmo & dibbs - up keys
18 - tone def - hectic house
19 - tone def - tone def
20 - mashed - buzz the bass
21 - mashed - spectre
(Missing tracks will be in next mix)
PsychoDelic - djhazzard (mvp rework)
MVP back after a short break,first up is a nice little rework of dj hazzards track - psychodelic.